What is a Casino?

The word casino may bring to mind the glitzy casinos in Las Vegas, but there are many more gambling hot spots than just that. From the elegant spa town of Baden-Baden to the dazzling city of Macau, these destinations all offer gamblers the chance to place their chips and win big.

Just as adventure travelers feel a rush when they hear the words skydiving or bungee jumping, gambling tourists get that same adrenaline boost when they hear the word casino. Shiny lights, free drinks and a wide variety of games all help draw them in and make for an enjoyable experience, even for those with little or no gambling ambitions.

A casino is a building where people can play gambling games, such as poker, blackjack, and roulette. Some casinos also have restaurants and bars. Some are open to the public, while others are private clubs for members only. A casino can be licensed by a government or gaming authority to operate legally.

In the early days of casinos in America, mobster money helped them survive. But the mobsters weren’t content to be just bankrolls, so they took sole or partial ownership of some casinos and interfered in their operations, intimidating staff and attempting to influence the outcome of games. Government crackdowns and the threat of losing a casino license at the slightest hint of mob involvement helped drive the mobsters out of the business, and legitimate businessmen took over.

A casino’s design goals are pretty clear-cut. The casino wants patrons to feel as if they are in a world of their own, with the walls and carpets exuding an expensive taste and making them forget that they are actually in a casino. The interior design often uses the color red to create an effect of excitement and wealth, and there are usually no clocks on the walls so patrons can lose track of time and stay longer.

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