The Dangers of the Lottery

The lottery is a method of raising money in which numbers are drawn and prizes awarded. Its roots are ancient: the Hebrew Bible warns against stealing, and Roman emperors used it to distribute property and slaves. Today, it is a common way for states to raise revenue without raising taxes. Despite their popularity, however, state lotteries have been plagued with problems. Critics charge that they are misleading, presenting false odds of winning and inflating prize amounts (prizes are usually paid out in equal annual installments over 20 years, with inflation dramatically eroding the value). They also accuse lotteries of encouraging covetousness by promising that wealth can solve all one’s problems—despite God’s warning against it in Ecclesiastes 5:10-15.

Lottery games are promoted heavily by television and radio advertising, billboards, the internet, and word-of-mouth marketing. They also use stories of previous winners and their families, which tap into people’s aspirations for wealth and happiness. However, studies show that the bulk of lotto players and revenues come from middle-income neighborhoods and that far fewer people play in low-income areas.

Shirley Jackson’s short story, The Lottery, uses the lottery to show the ugly side of human nature and the dangers of a blind adherence to tradition. It is a chilling depiction of the capacity for cruelty and violence in human beings, as well as the power of mob mentality and societal conformity to turn people against one another. It also explores the danger of egocentricity and the ability of individuals to lose their sense of reality.

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