A casino is a place where people can gamble on games of chance and in some cases skill. Though a few casinos add theaters, restaurants and shopping centers, most make the bulk of their profits from gambling. Slot machines, baccarat, blackjack, roulette and craps help make the billions that casinos earn each year. This article discusses the history of casino gambling, popular games and how they are played, and how casinos keep their patrons happy.
Casinos offer a wide variety of gambling experiences, from the flashy Las Vegas mega-resorts to the illegal pai gow tables in New York City. The demographics of casino gamblers are diverse, but the typical person who gambles is an older female with an above-average income. Casinos offer a variety of ways to attract and retain customers, including free food and drinks, hotel rooms and show tickets. In addition, the use of chips instead of money helps reduce the psychological effects of losing.
All casino games have a mathematical advantage for the house, a profit margin known as the “house edge.” Casinos ensure this edge by accepting all bets within an established limit and offering extravagant inducements to big-stakes gamblers. These include complimentary hotel suites, spectacular entertainment and reduced-fare transportation. During the 1970s, casino managers even offered cigarette and alcohol-free drinks while gambling to encourage patrons to spend more. This is called comping. Some casinos are more selective about the high-stakes gamblers they accommodate, and may provide them with private gaming rooms and a concierge to meet their needs.